Client: Irving Pulp & Paper Mill, Irving Paper Mill & Lake Utopia Paper

Irving Pulp & Paper Mill, Irving Paper Mill & Lake Utopia Paper

Irving operates some of the largest and most up to date paper mills in Eastern Canada in which we were successful in the completion of many upgrade projects in during the past 25 years, from small $10,000.00 to larger $2,000,000.00 projects which are always on a tight schedule to maintain production. With too many to mention, below are just a few notable projects:

  • Installation of the new Adritze Paper Machine in 1990 (IPP) $1.5M
  • Retrofit to the Recovery Boilers (IPP)
  • Addition of a new Fibre Line building and Process (IPP) $1M Electrical
  • Installation of new dryers and retrofit of Paper Machine. (IP) $1M Electrical
  • New outdoor High Voltage Substation Installation (IP) $750,000.00
  • New Wet End & Dry End operators control rooms & offices. (LUP)$80,000.00
  • Hog Fuel Boiler. (LUP) $1,100,000.00